Battling Rogue Online Pharmacies: Canadian International Pharmacy Association’s Mission

March 14, 2023 | by DoctorSolve

CIPA, otherwise known as the Canadian International Pharmacy Association, is known for its active role in taking action against rogue online pharmacies that operate maliciously.

Oftentimes, fraudulent online pharmacies display the CIPA seal on their websites, in order to appear like a certified and credible pharmacy.

For more than two decades, CIPA (Canadian International Pharmacy Association) member websites sell prescription drugs made by the leading name-brand manufacturers at prices up to 80 percent less than U.S -CIPA

CIPA has been fighting back by taking immediate action against the rogue online pharmacies, in order to protect patients across the United States.

Why is Canadian International Pharmacy Association Safe?

CIPA is an organization that certifies online Canadian Pharmacies as safe and legitimate. The organization’s seal communicates an industry-standard whereby an online pharmacy adheres to the strictest of safety rules, regulations and policies. Such policies include:

  1. Having a 100 percent safety standard for more than a decade
  2. Requiring a valid prescription to fill an order
  3. Gathering medical and demographic information
  4. Having a licensed pharmacist on staff

Canadian International Pharmacy Association (CIPA) certified online pharmacies are just as safe as your local pharmacy. If the online pharmacy that you are using does not follow the above procedures, it is urgent that you find out whether they are CIPA certified.

CIPA sells prescription drugs made by the leading name-brand manufacturers at prices up to 80 percent less than U.S. – CIPA

The benefit of CIPA pharmacies is immense to Americans all across the United States because they can purchase prescription medications online, for up to 80% less than what they would pay in the United States. It is no wonder that over a million Americans use CIPA approved pharmacies to purchase their prescription drugs.

Key takeaways

CIPA certified online pharmacies (like DoctorSolve) are just as safe as your local pharmacy and can help you save 80 percent more than you can save in the US.

The CIPA Seal: What You Should Know

Fraudulent online pharmacies do not meet CIPA standards.

In an attempt to appear as legitimate online pharmacies, they choose to display the CIPA seal anyways. Because of the impeccable reputation that Canadian pharmacy association carries, combined with their concern for patient safety, the organization refuses to let fraudulent online pharmaceutical companies abuse their seal, certification, and reputation.

 The CIPA certification is a mark of professionalism, quality, integrity, and safety. – CIPA President, Tim Smith

He went on to say that “We welcome online pharmacies that meet these safety standards to apply for our certification and go through our exhaustive process.

However, we will not allow pharmacies that do not meet our strict safety standards to misappropriate our certification trademark and attempt to deceive consumers.

Canadian International Pharmacy Association will aggressively protect our seal and our excellent reputation.”

Key takeaways

Fraudulent online pharmacies attempt to deceive consumers by displaying the CIPA seal, even though they do not meet CIPA’s strict safety standards. CIPA takes its certification seriously and is dedicated to protecting patient safety and its own reputation.

Canadian pharmacy association combats unsafe online pharmacies

CIPA has launched a campaign to battle these rouge pharmaceutical companies, and the results have been very productive thus far.

More than 125 malicious companies have had to remove the seal, while others were forced to completely dismantle their site altogether.

The rogue sites that we have responded to our challenge are a disservice to consumers who have turned to the internet for an affordable alternative to high-cost U.S drugs.

We will continue our aggressive action against such predators to ensure that patients have safe online pharmacies from Canadian pharmacy association member websites where we have maintained a 100% perfect safety record over the past 10 years.”

Key takeaways

Canadian International Pharmacy Association has initiated a campaign to combat rogue pharmaceutical companies operating online. The campaign has yielded positive results so far. CIPA General Manager and President Tim Smith emphasizes that these rogue sites are harming consumers seeking affordable alternatives to expensive U.S. drugs.

Doctor Solve Healthcare Solutions Inc. is a CIPA certified pharmacy. To verify that any online Canadian pharmacy is CIPA certified, you can click here.

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