How to Find A Legit Online Pharmacy?

July 4, 2022 | by DoctorSolve

It can be a challenge to figure out a legit online Canadian pharmacy that provides the best value on prescription drugs while ensuring that your health is not compromised.

Online pharmacies are a readily-available and are an easy-to-use method for saving on expensive prescription drugs.

However, the dangers of purchasing from online pharmacies are well documented.

Only an estimated 4% of online pharmacies meet US federal and state laws

Signs of an Illegitimate Online Pharmacy

There are many illegitimate online pharmacies that sell drugs that may have dangerous ingredients or inaccurate dosages, which poses a worrisome health risk.

According to one Canadian official website, an online Canadian pharmacy may be illegitimate if it:

  1. Does not require a valid prescription
  2. Offers drugs that claim to have a “miracle cure” for serious conditions
  3. Offers drugs at very low, discounted prices
  4. Can ship drugs worldwide
  5. Does not provide a “bricks and mortar” business address
  6. Is located outside of Canada

If you buy drugs from an illegitimate online pharmacy, you may be putting your health at risk

  • You may end up with a drug that contains wrong or harmful ingredients, or no medicinal ingredients at all.
  • Your condition may remain the same or you may get worse.
  • You may experience a bad reaction to the drugs.
  • Your personal and banking information may be stolen.
  • Some online pharmacies claim to be licensed by a Canadian pharmacy regulatory authority when in fact they are not.

Two Sources to Check Legit Online Pharmacies in the U.S.

It can be difficult to know whether or not an online pharmacy is legitimate. In the U.S., there are two sources to check legit online pharmacies and they are:

  1. The Federal Drug Administration (FDA)
  2. National Association of Board of Pharmacy (NABP)

These are two dependable sources of information, and they are focused on protecting you from online pharmacy fraud.

The NABP offer a VIPPS certification only for online pharmacies based in the United States.

Both organizations take a commendable approach by recommending consumers not to purchase online drugs from Canada in fear of the large number of fraudulent websites, enabling both to focus on companies inside the United States.

What Makes Doctor Solve a Reliable online pharmacy?

Doctor Solve is part of the 4% of all legitimate online pharmacy sites in Canada. Doctor Solve is a prescription referral service that contracts with licensed Canadian and international pharmacies and dispensaries. We undergo rigorous inspection for professional standards in Canada.

The NABP works to legitimize American online pharmacies and takes a broad-spectrum approach towards Canadian online pharmacies, grouping them all together as fraudulent in the interest of public safety.

Their form of approval is in a VIPPS certification that can only be attained by American online pharmacies.

Doctor Solve is headquartered in Canada, so geography is the barrier for our VIPPS certification.

Instead, we obtained a Canadian International Pharmacy Association (CIPA) certification. Both organizations are independent third parties who verify online pharmacies and ensure safety by:

  • Guaranteeing the pharmacy is licensed
  • Checking that the pharmacy requires prescription for prescription drugs
  • Confirming contact information (including a mailing address)
  • Checking that the privacy policies protect personal information
  • Ensuring that the pharmacy encrypts personal data
  • Careful monitoring of the business and annual inspections of facilities to ensure compliance
  • Ensuring the pharmacy does not distribute narcotics or controlled substances
  • Ensuring that a licensed pharmacist is on staff for patient consultations

You will notice that the FDA and NABP verification requirement criteria are almost identical to the ones for the and CIPA seals.

If there are any questions about our pharmacy, we would be happy speak to you at 1-866-732-0305.

Is purchasing from Canadian online pharmacies right for you?

American online pharmacies are unable to offer the same savings that are offered at Canadian online pharmacies.

Price control and bargaining power are two huge reasons why drugs in the United States is noticeably more expensive than drugs in other countries.

In international countries like Canada, it is also illegal for drug companies to perform direct-to-consumer advertising, which removes the extra advertising costs on end users.

For legit online pharmacy sites, these are the factors that allow the savings to be passed onto the consumers.

However, purchasing prescription drugs online may not be the right option for everybody.

It is illegal to ship narcotics and controlled substances into the United States.

Doctor Solve will not ship narcotics and controlled substances; prescription discount cards used at brick-and-mortar pharmacies are your best option to obtain these drugs.

Your prescription drugs will come from international sources and will have to go through the American border, which leads to longer shipping times.

For people who require their drugs immediately, it is recommended to purchase from your local pharmacy and order online for future needs.

Education is key to protecting your health and saving on drugs. Talk to your doctor to see if the option of purchasing your drugs online would be suitable for you.

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