7 Ways to Say NO to Junk Food

June 22, 2009 | by DoctorSolve

- Eat full and balanced meals

If you eat whole and healthy meals, you will have less of an urge to snack on junk foods. The average meal should contain items from each of the four main food groups - Fruits and Vegetables, Grains, Meats and alternatives, and dairy products. Any meal that satisfies these groups will help you gain the nutrients and vitamins you need to prevent sudden hunger pains.

-Set your limits

It's no fun cutting junk food out of your diet completely... so set your limits. Try to consume only one or two small junk food items a day.

-Make a stash

Make a stash or a section in your fridge filled with already prepared snacks like carrots and dip, trail mix, fruit salads, yogurt parfaits, or snack wraps. Whenever you have the urge to snack, grab something from your healthy snack stash.

- Record your habits

Writing down any fast foods or junk foods that you eat may help you reduce your intake. Sometimes having your bad habits put right before your eyes can stop them in their tracks. But don't beat yourself up if you had a junk food day - nobody's perfect!


- Pop a mint

If you have a strong craving for junk food, grab a mint or brush your teeth. The taste of mint in your mouth will prevent you from wanting to eat.

- Don't buy junk food in the first place!

Avoid junk food isles at the grocery store by spending the majority of your shopping time in the produce section. Pick up vegetables and fruits that appeal to you instead of chocolate and cookies. Check the label before buying anything that may contain a lot of fat or calories.

- Keep yourself busy

When we are bored, we tend to snack, even if we aren't hungry. The solution is to make sure that we do not treat eating as a pastime but as an act of fulfilling our body's real needs.

- Treat yourself

It's okay to treat yourself to a sweet snack every now and then, nobody expects you to be 100% junk free!

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