Best Study Tips for Your Children

October 28, 2005 | by DoctorSolve

As the school year approaches the first set of mid-term examinations, DoctorSolve wants to offer parents the best study tips to help their children do better in school. 

Best Study Tips #1 – Creating Space 

It’s back to school for reading, writing, and the most basic skills of all – how to study. Help your child do better in school by creating space to study at home in a supportive atmosphere. 

“Just as you need space to work when you cook, work on the computer or think, your child needs space for learning,” said Don Bower, an Extension Service human development specialist with the University of Georgia College of Family and Consumer Sciences. 

“How to study space is arranged, set up, and used all affect good study habits,” he said. 

Best Study Tips #2 – Background Noise 

Even in the early grades, Bower said, your child will benefit from having a quiet, well-lighted, comfortable place of his or her own away from the noise of family life. 

Your kids may try to convince you that they study better with the TV or rock music blaring, Bower said. Don’t buy it. But don’t blindly insist on complete silence either. 

“Recent research shows that while many students learn best when it’s quiet, others find that some background noise energizes their minds,” Bower said. “Soft music may also help cut down on distracting household noise.” 

More and more students today have portable music players with earphones, he said. Using these can provide background music for the student using them and quiet for those around him. 

“Building a family study library is a good idea and doesn’t have to cost a lot of money,” Bower said. The basics should include a good dictionary, U.S. map, and world map or globe. If your family has a computer, these resources are likely available online. 

A good substitute for having your own family library, he said, is to take your student to the public library. 

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