Humans Are Not Immortal and Can’t Be Living Forever

December 2, 2022 | by DoctorSolve

For some reason, living forever has fascinated humans since early on in our history. Ancient Chinese herbalists tried to extend their lives and were rumored to have lived for hundreds of years. Yet, even now, we see many ways to resist aging. Some people see aging as an appearance obstacle and buy all these wrinkle creams to look youthful forever. Others try some of the most ludicrous things in attempts of forever living. 

My opinion on the matter of human immortality

or long living is best told in the words of another. Sara Myers from the Silverplanet blog wrote, “I understand wanting to live a healthier, happier, more meaningful life, but living to 125 or 150, just for the sake of living long, doesn’t make sense to me.”

The one thing I have always wondered is why? Why does someone want to live for 150 years or 200 years or want to be an immortal human being? Living forever really isn’t as appealing once you really think it through. Just because you can live that long doesn’t mean you won’t stop aging. Prolonging your life means your body has more time to degrade and slowly die.

However, the idea of extending human life and living forever without aging is much worse. Why? What would your life be like? You will have to watch everyone you love, have loved, or will love to die as you continue to go on forever, unchanged by time. If you are religious and believe in some heaven, paradise, or rebirth, you will quickly realize that none of that is achievable. You will see wars lost and won, creation and destruction, and possibly the end of humanity. You won’t ever really be able to make a significant connection with anyone else because, for you, they will come and go and be forgotten. I don’t really think it is worth it.

Why can’t we try to live however long we have to its fullest instead of just trying to live long so that we can say we have? Maybe we’re scared of the unknown or unsure of where we’ll go. Either way, I’m going to take my chances and accept the fact that we’re not built to last.


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