5 Effortless Tips for Staying Awake and Alert

October 25, 2022 | by DoctorSolve

It is exceedingly difficult to find time for an adequate amount of sleep. When balancing work, school, family, fun, and sleep sometimes it feels like you must sacrifice something to fit all you need into your day, and the 1st thing to go is sleep. Here are tips for staying awake when you are not able to get the right amount of sleep.

Is Caffeine the Best Way to Stay Awake?

Not always in the form of coffee, caffeine is the best way to stay awake. You can get caffeine through an energy drink, a cup of tea, coffee, soda, etc.

Exercise Is One of The Tricks To Stay Awake 

Exercising boosts your energy and is all-around healthy! Just 30 minutes of exercise can boost your energy for the whole day!!

Eat Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Having breakfast including at least 3 food groups is the best, for example, granola on yogurt, and a piece of fruit.

Limiting Alcohol Is A Thing To Do To Stay Awake

The best thing to do to stay awake is to reduce your alcohol intake. Alcohol gives you a lower quality of sleep than you would have otherwise and leaves you sleepy the next morning.

Eat Meat

Eating the recommended 3 – 5 servings a day of protein will help you to stay alert and awake. Having a lack of protein will make you feel wearier and wiped out.

Also Read

Coffee Health Benefits and Risks (Updated)
Importance of Breakfast for a Healthy Life
Healthy Foods for Brain to Make You Sharper Than Ever
Healthy Living for Busy Lifestyles
Protein Powder Benefits in Building Muscle

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