Effects of Vitamin D Deficiency On Your Body

November 3, 2022 | by DoctorSolve

There are several ways to get Vitamin D into the body. Vitamin D is available in food and supplements, and exposure to sunlight activates the production of Vitamin D in the skin. Hence, this is why people commonly associate getting enough Vitamin D with getting enough sunlight.

“Worldwide, an estimated 1 billion people have inadequate levels of vitamin D in their blood, and deficiencies can be found in all ethnicities and age groups”

The Effects of Vitamin D deficiency are especially prevalent in any location with a prolonged winter. Given that these problems are commonplace, recognizing the symptoms of a Vitamin D deficiency can let a person know when to consult a medical professional.

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Vitamin D Deficiency Effect Indicators

For instance, bone pain and muscle weakness are common indicators of Vitamin D deficiency. Since Vitamin D plays a vital role in bone and cell growth, low vitamin D effects could result in deformed bones, especially in children, pregnant women, and the elderly. Also, the effect of vitamin d deficiency can cause unexplained fatigue and difficulty thinking clearly.

Related post – Benefits of vitamin D and calcium include prevention of bone loss

When a person starts experiencing the effects of low vitamin D symptoms, it usually means that their Vitamin D levels have been depleted for an extended time. It is vital that a person consults with a medical professional when they begin experiencing these symptoms because Vitamin D is a vital supplement for the human body.

Sources and related posts:

The Nutrition Source by HSPH Harvard.
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Vitamin D extends and improves life
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