Donors Needed for Heart Transplants

May 21, 2009 | by DoctorSolve

Your heart is essentially the engine of your body. Without your heart blood would not be able to reach the rest of your body, this is obviously not a good thing because everyone needs blood circulation in order to survive. Unless you are one of the cool zombies from those cheesy horror movies, which for some reason always limp around while they grunt, unable to form any sort of recognizable word.

Why Heart Donation is Crucial for Saving Lives

The heart is one of the most significant organs in your body however, there are many people suffering from heart complications. I myself have an irregular heartbeat, but thankfully this has not resulted in anything serious, yet. Unfortunately for others heart transplants may be necessary.

A person requires a heart transplant when their heart is so damaged that it is in danger of failing them. The problem with this is the waiting list. Many people often require heart transplants but are unable to receive them due to the long waiting list. The obvious concern is that with the inability to receive a healthy heart, many of the people on the waiting list may die from their illnesses.

Additionally, the wait does not only hurt the person in need of the transplant but that person’s family and loved ones. A few years ago a family member of mine required a transplant. Doctors put her on the waiting list, and we waited. The pager they had given her didn’t go off, and everyone became worried. We waited some more, still nothing. All this time we had to watch someone we loved to have their life taken away from them. She never did get the operation. Shortly after her death, her husband died, from what I would say was a broken spirit and no will to live.

If you are not already signed up to become a donor I would strongly urge you to become one. There are many people that sit on that waiting list, wishing, that one day their pager will go off, telling them that there is still hope. A blogger called 2ndHeartBeat posted an article saying that “I’m walking, talking proof that donors DO save lives.” That article can be found at
2ndHeartBeat has also recently reached the second year since the heart transplant surgery, and I personally would like to say congratulations, and I hope you have many more happy years to come.

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