Building Personal Exercise Habits for Life

September 24, 2009 | by DoctorSolve

As most of us know exercising is a crucial part of staying healthy, along with eating a healthy diet. However, variety is key in both cases. You might love potatoes, but if you have those same type of potatoes every night they start to get boring and you don’t want them anymore. The same is true for exercise. If you don’t vary your routine then you can become bored and just give up. Also, by staying to a fixed routine your muscles become used to doing the same thing over and over again, much like muscle memory.

The idea of switching your routine is used very frequently with many successful workout tapes and guides. If you can’t think of one of the tops of your head just remember P90X. The same concept is used in P90X, they call it muscle confusion. It focuses on varying the routine so your muscles don’t adjust to one routine. This way your muscles are challenged and you can actually work more efficiently.

Also, something to remember is that you shouldn’t focus on the same muscle groups every day. Try to switch up your workout so you give specific muscle groups 2 days to rest. For example, if you worked out your arms and back one day do your core the next day. Then the day after your core works your legs. This lets your muscle groups rest and repair.

Well if you’re sitting there not knowing what you can do to vary up your routine don’t worry. There are different types of exercises you can do. If you love running, that’s great, but try to do some strength training as well.

Aerobic exercise can feature a vast number of exercises.

Jogging, for example, is an aerobic exercise. The main goal of aerobics is to get your heart to really start working. By doing this the amount of oxygen in your blood will improve. Also, exercise has been known to release things like endorphins which are your bodies natural painkillers.

Additionally, your immune system should receive a boost and your blood will pump much more efficiently. Also, you will begin to see an increase in your overall stamina.
Interval training has been proven to condition your heart and burn fat more efficiently than just jogging or walking. Try some sprints with gentle recovery periods. You will notice you will be saving more time by doing interval training, but still see results. Interval training is also a great way to really improve your cardiovascular fitness and fat-burning abilities. Next is my personal favorite type of training, strength training.

Make sure you include some sort of strength training into your normal exercise program. The goal is to really exhaust your muscles. Right to the point when you can feel your muscles screaming to stop, but you’ve just got to pump out one more rep. Don’t hurt yourself doing this though, waiting for injuries to heal isn’t fun.

Finally, we move onto core exercises. These are probably my worst area of fitness. I personally have never liked core exercises, but that probably has something to do with the fact that I’ve never really had good core muscles. However, core muscles are probably some of the most important muscles to work. They provide the building blocks for movement and help protect parts of your body. Also, building core muscles can help increase your balance and stability, for all you sports fans or the extra clumsy.

Exercising regularly is key to keeping one healthy. Many people don’t remember that and I think that’s why they don’t get motivated. If you want to have abs then go workout. It won’t just magically happen overnight. You need to be determined, you need to want it, you need to stay focused. Working out isn’t easy, but it definitely can be fun. Try to enjoy yourself. Find someone to go to the gym with. This might help keep you going back to the gym and staying on track.

If you’re still not convinced how about these reasons why exercise can improve your health.

  1. Lower your blood pressure
  2. Helps prevent and fight off colds
  3. Manage arthritis
  4. Lower your risk of heart disease
  5. Helps cure insomnia
  6. Fight depression
  7. Lower your risk of diabetes and reverse pre-diabetes
  8. Build strong bones
  9. Lose weight
  10. Reduces your risk of cancer
  11. Helps you think better
  12. Helps relieve chronic knee pain
  13. Increases your energy levels
  14. Slow down your aging process

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