Quiet Revival: Americans Opt to Buy Prescriptions from Canada

November 3, 2021 | by DoctorSolve

Despite being one of the world’s most powerful nations, the United States has the world’s highest drug prices. What’s very disappointing is that the cost of prescription drugs isn’t marginally higher in the United States; they are pretty significantly higher. That is one of the main reasons why a lot of American get their prescriptions from Canada.   

High R&D Cost Forcing Americans to Get Medicine from Canada.

I understand that research and development are very costly, but at the same time, some of these costs are simply ludicrous. In some ways, it is almost a type of discrimination against the poor. If you can’t afford the cost of prescription drugs, then you might die. That’s the sad truth in many cases. Affordable Prescription drugs from Canada, on the other hand, are a relief to those who cannot afford the high drug price.

Lack of Effective Price Control System Forcing to Buy Drugs from Canada

Perhaps an effective price control system is needed in the United States. As it is now, millions of American citizens are traveling across the border to purchase their prescription medications from Canadian pharmacies or going online to buy these drugs from online pharmacies at a fraction of the cost when buying drugs from Canada.

Canadian Prescription Prices Luring Americans

However, pharmaceutical companies have many lobbyists in Washington, DC, to prevent any change that could be damaging to their profits. The pharmaceutical industry spent roughly $855 million, which is more than any other industry, on lobbying activities from 1998 to 2006. If you’re waiting for drug prices to be lowered by any significant margin, I wouldn’t hold your breath. It’ll be one of those, “I’ll believe it when I see it” types of moments. Until then, more and more Americans will search for alternatives, such as Canadian pharmacies, to obtain meds from Canada.

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