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Reduce the risk of blood clots with Plavix

Blood clots can limit or completely restrict the flow of blood to important areas of the body, leading to heart attacks or strokes. For people that already suffered a stroke or heart attack, or have poor circulation as a result of peripheral artery disease (PAD) are even more likely to form clots in their arteries.
Blood clots are a natural defense mechanism, protecting a body from excessive bleeding in the case of an injury. Whenever a cut occurs, platelets stick together to form a clot. Clots can also be formed when platelets clump together on or near the plaque (a rupture of a cholesterol buildup in the walls of the arteries.
PLAVIX is a prescription medication that prevents platelets from sticking together (clotting), improving blood flow to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Taking PLAVIX daily can help reduce the risk of a future heart attack or stroke
Physicians often prescribe aspirin in combination with PLAVIX to provide more protection against a future heart attack or stroke than aspirin alone. Your doctor may recommend using PLAVIX daily with aspirin if you:

  • Have been hospitalized unstable angina
  • Have suffered a non-Q-wave heart attack

These events are sometimes referred to as acute coronary syndrome (ACS). For the millions of people suffering from ACS, taking Plavix and aspirin can help make a difference.
It is important to understand Plavix doesn’t work the same as medication that reduce blood pressure or cholesterol. Medications like Lipitor keep your blood pressure and cholesterol at appropriate levels, but do not reduce clotting. Clotting is the major cause of most heart attacks and strokes.
Why Plavix?
Taking Plavix daily helps protect you against another heart attack or stroke. If you’ve already suffered a heart attack you are:

  • 5X more likely to suffer another heart attack (than the general population)
  • 3X more likely to suffer a stroke (than the general population)

If you’ve already suffered a stroke, you are:

  • 9X more likely to suffer another stroke (than the general population)
  • 2X more likely to suffer a heart attack (than the general population)

If you suffer from peripheral artery disease, you are:

  • 4X as likely to suffer a heart attack (than the general population)
  • 2X as likely to have a stroke (than the general population)
  • 15X more likely to die from cardiovascular disease

The contents on are meant to provide useful and relevant information. The information on our website is intended for educational purposes and may include text, graphics, video and other multimedia. The information on this website should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult your doctor or other medical practitioner before taking any course of action based on the information you find on

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