Flea Control for Pets: A Quick Guide

November 24, 2022 | by DoctorSolve

A Safe and Effective Flea Control Plan

When your pet has fleas, it’s hard not to rush out and buy the pet flea prevention medications and chemicals to smother your pet with; however, when it comes to treating fleas, a plan must be developed to make sure your pet is unharmed and happy. The below are some methods of flea control for pets. 

  • Try to limit the number of chemical treatments that you use on your pet. The chemicals can cause irritation and damage to your pet’s skin. It’s okay to use one or two treatments but using many at once can harm your pet. 
  • Before using store-bought chemical treatments, minimize the number of fleas that your pet has. One way to prevent flea control in pets is to bathe them, because fleas cannot survive in water. Although it will not eliminate all the fleas, it will reduce the number. 
  • Fleas can also be brushed out with a fine-tooth comb, but there is no saying whether they will jump right back on your pet. 
  • A chemical treatment is necessary to get rid of the eggs laid by the adult fleas. Flea collars, powder baths, and other medicines are available to help free and prevent your pet from fleas and their eggs.  
  • Fleas cause discomfort for you and your pet. If your pet is having a hard time dealing with flea bites, try using Advantage or Frontline Plus flea treatments. Pets flea treatment helps provide relief quickly and efficiently, help kill the larvae living on your pet, and are safe medicines for animals.. 
  • Regular vacuuming is the best pet flea and tick prevention method. This will eliminate the fleas around the house that will affect you too. Remember to wash your sheets and blankets regularly as well.

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