Campaign for Personal Prescription Importation—keeping the hope for Americans to get access to affordable prescription

May 25, 2015 | by DoctorSolve

The high cost of prescription drugs has created a health care crisis in the United States.  The Campaign for Personal Prescription Importation (CPPI) is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping Americans find safe alternatives to purchasing their prescriptions by importing 90-day supplies from Canada.

With more than 35 million Americans unable to adhere to their prescription regimens because they cannot afford them, the fallout costs are skyrocketing.

Some of the associated costs include: -

  • Primary and secondary healthcare issues created by failing to adhere to a prescribed regimen.
  • Costs to caregivers who are forced to make decisions regarding the care of their loved ones, sometimes sacrificing needed care because of cost.
  • Taxpayer burden, as many of the Americans who are having trouble affording their medications are on Medicaid and Medicare.  When they cannot afford their medications, their conditions often spiral out of control, requiring more frequent hospitalizations, and the cost is passed on to the taxpayer.

There is a solution to this growing problem.  Medications that are purchased in Canada are far more affordable than those here, due to the nature of their healthcare system.  By purchasing and importing their medication, Americans are able to afford their monthly prescriptions, avoiding the high costs and associated health risks of non-compliance.  Seniors, those living on fixed incomes and low-wage earners are desperately in need of a way to purchase their prescriptions in order to maintain their current regimen and avoid further health complications and associated costs.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that about 5 million Americans currently obtain their medications from outside the US, and the primary reason is the cost.  For years, Americans living near the US-Canadian border filled their prescriptions in Canada with no issues, and now Americans are utilizing the Internet to order their medications, converse with pharmacists and discuss their medication and health conditions with no adverse effects.

CPPI believes that it’s time for Congress to pass legislation that will allow all Americans access to prescription drugs from licensed Canadian pharmacies.  Over the years, bi-partisan legislation has been introduced, but with no success.

Their dedicated staff is working diligently to pass legislation that will open up the Canadian prescription market to the American people, and allow them to purchase their medications in a cost-effective and safe manner. CPPI works closely with patient advocates, as well as a wide variety of organizations, that are dedicated to improving the lives of Americans and helping to lower their healthcare costs.

Allowing access to Canadian prescription drugs will ultimately benefit the American healthcare system, as fewer doctor and hospital visits will be necessary, and caregivers will be able to make the decisions that need to be made, based on what is best for their loved ones instead of what can be done with the available funds.

As a consumer advocacy organization, CPPI is committed to ensuring that Americans are able to purchase the medications that they need, at a price they can afford.

US Drug spending is increasing

US Drug Spending Is Increasing

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