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5 Cures for 5 Common Ailments


Most dermatologists say that acne is “un-curable”, however, there are things you can do to drastically reduce the appearance of your breakouts.

Try using Face Doctor Soap twice a day as an alternative to Proactive and Phisoderm products.

It is a medicated soap that also contains herbal ingredients to keep your skin free of oil and pimples.


Stress is a big one for most of us. If relaxation techniques don’t work for you, try eating a more healthy and balanced diet.

Regular exercise will also release chemicals in your body that will make you feel more relaxed and content.

Try taking multivitamins to ensure you are getting all of the vitamins and minerals you need.


Headaches can be caused by a number of things – stress, dehydration, or for coffee addicts, a lack of caffeine.

Try having a glass of cold water and sitting or lying down. If that doesn’t do the trick, take a couple of Tylenol, Advil, or another form of Ibuprophen.

Cold sores

Believe it or not, if you suffer from cold sores, you’ve picked up the contagious ailment for life.

The most successful treatment for cold sores is a medicated lip ointment like Abreva or another topical lip analgesic.


Many people experience fatigue during the day when they are having dietary insufficiencies.

It’s important for many young men and women to get the iron they need in order to prevent anemia by eating foods high in iron like beef, spinach, and nuts.

There are also iron supplements available to ensure you are getting the correct amount of iron your body needs.

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