5 Ways to Naturally Reduce Acne

August 20, 2009 | by DoctorSolve

There are lots of us who suffer from moderate to severe breakouts on a daily basis. If you are reluctant to try expensive skin products or acne medications like Proactive, or Phisoderm and Neutrogena aren’t working for you, try these 5 easy steps to clearer skin.


You must wash your face twice a day EVERY day no matter what. Use a mild soap and warm water to free your skin of oils and dirt. An acne soap product that I personally recommend is Face Doctor soap. I kid you not – it works wonders on moderate breakouts if used twice a day.

Related post – The Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Don’t touch

Try to avoid touching your face. There’s a lot of oil on your fingers and touching you face can transfer these oils to your skin and clog your pores.

Stop Popping

Despite what you think, popping pimples does not make them better. In fact, it will cause them to become inflamed, larger, and could possibly scar. The bacteria and oils on your hand will disturb the breakout.

Related post – What is Clindamycin Phosphate and How Does It Help Acne?

Drink water

If you try cutting out all beverages except water for an entire week, you will notice a difference in the appearance of your skin. It’s a classic skin care remedy.

Eat Healthy

The healthier you are, the healthier your skin will be. Eat foods high in fiber such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Try to stay away from junk food and caffeine. Daily exercise will also keep you feeling healthy.
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