6 Unusual Ways to Get Rid of a Cold That Actually Work

November 14, 2022 | by DoctorSolve

There are other ways to ward off a cold besides plenty of hearty soup and rest. Cold FX and decongestants will only go so far, so try below given some of ways to get rid of a cold this winter and get out of your regular “at-home-sick” routine.

Here are 6 unusual remedies for colds that you can try:

Blow One Nostril at a Time – Tried and tested remedy for cold

When blowing your nose, try not to blow your whole nose at once. This could spread mucus up into your sinuses which will extend infection. Instead, blow one nostril at a time or use decongestant nasal sprays.

Get Rid Of A Cold With Sauna

When you are sick it’s a good idea to drink lots of hot liquids, but as a relaxing alternative, the moist hot air in a sauna will help your body to detoxify itself as well.

Beat The Cold With Vitamin C

Vitamin C can help you to beat the cold. Sock up on foods high in vitamin C which are said to reduce the length and intensity of cold symptoms. Foods high in Vitamin C are citrus fruit, red bell peppers, broccoli, strawberry, and spring greens. Some foods that boost your immune system are yogurt, garlic, green tea, and pumpkin.

Brisk Walking Is A Simple Remedy For Cold

Walking at a reasonable pace is a simple remedy for the cold that one must try. Brisk walking every day will help boost your immunity and keep a cold under control. When sick, avoid vigorous exercise like running because you may stress your body out and possibly lower your immunity.

Kissing And Intercourse Helps Get Rid Of A Cold

Kissing can help you to get rid of a cold. You are enhancing your immune system and boosting your body’s natural defenses when you exchange bacteria back and forth. That’s not all – it’s been shown that having sex at least once a week can increase immunoglobulin production – this is an immune-boosting protein that helps keep pathogens at bay.

Drinking Hot Beverage Is A Common Cold Self-care 

viruses (like H1N1) can take a few days to incubate in the body before you start to notice the symptoms. Hot liquids (like coffee and tea) can help flush the virus out of your mouth and into your stomach where it can’t grow due to stomach acid. Chicken soup and hot water have the same effect and help you best in common cold self-care. You can also gargle warm salt water for a quick virus killer. Viruses like to incubate in your nose too – doing a nasal flush or swabbing your nostrils with rubbing alcohol can kill the virus before it gets to you!


Also read

Know Your Enemy: The Common Cold
The Difference between Cold and Flu
6 Myths about Common Cold
10 Natural Remedies for Headaches
Natural Health and Beautifying Remedies from A – Z

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