Top 4 Myths About Pregnancy and New Mothers

July 2, 2009 | by DoctorSolve

Most of us have probably heard our share of urban legends and old wives tales, but most realize them to be just that, a myth and nothing more. However, many women (and men) hear myths about pregnancy and new mothers. Yet, much like old wives tales, they are completely untrue.
1. The first and most widely believed myth is that sex during pregnancy will harm the baby. The truth is that having sex while pregnant will do no harm to the child and doctors actually encourage a healthy sexual relationship. However, if you are having a high-risk pregnancy, have a history of miscarriage or pre-labor, your doctor will let you know if you should make any changes in your sexual activities.
2. Another commonly believed myth is that the position of your belly will indicate your child’s sex. In reality, the height or shape of your belly tells nothing about whether your child is a boy or girl. The shape and position of your belly are determined simply by your muscle tone, uterine tone, and the position the baby is in. If you really want to know what the gender of your baby will go see your doctor and ask him to do an ultrasound.
3. Many women after giving birth believe that breastfeeding will cause weight gain. In truth, the opposite happens. Breastfeeding actually causes weight loss by burning calories, a lot of calories. It is estimated that women can burn about 500 calories a day from just breastfeeding, which is about the same as going on a five-mile run. However, it is recommended that new mothers who are breastfeeding should only lose half a pound to a pound a week due to the fact that losing too much weight, too fast is unhealthy for the mother.
4. Myth number 4 is the myth that baby formula is an adequate substitute for breast milk. Although formula has improved, it is still not a replacement for breast milk. The nutrients, hormones, antibodies, and vitamins in breast milk cannot be replaced by just formula. There have been many studies that show the benefits of breast milk. In fact, breast milk has been proven to lower the risk of developing allergies, infections, diarrhea, and lung disorders when compared to babies who have been given formula.
So there they are, some of the most widely believed myths about pregnancy and new mothers. Hopefully, some of this information will help you. Best of luck.
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