Outdoor Concerts, Fun At A Price (And I Don’t Mean The Price For Tickets)

August 4, 2009 | by Dr. Paul Zickler


If you are like me, then you are out this summer going to concerts. I love music, and I love watching a band perform live, especially those bands that are not only amazing musicians, but amazing performers. Anyway, this coming Friday August 7th, I’m going to an outdoor concert, and many of those outdoor concerts are a blast, but it comes at a price..

The last outdoor concert I went to, was amazing, but the rain just didn’t stop. However, this time it appears to look as if it will be hot, and this brings new risks to my health and anyone else’s health. Now, again as much as I love music, it can damage your hearing. Especially at a rock concert, where the music can actually cause permanent hearing damage. If you are worried about this, ear plug should be considered. You just need them to lesson the volume, not stop it altogether, what would be the point of the concert be then? If you don’t know what the volume of the concert will be like then bring ear plugs just in case. If you do experience lasting symptoms, or anything you believe to be irregular then go see your doctor immediately to prevent permanent damage.

Also, in the heat there are a vast amount of health hazards. Dehydration can become very serious. You are outside in the sun with thousands of people cramped into a small space (small in relation to the large number of people). Make sure to drink plenty of fluids. Also, wear sunscreen. You will be outside baking in the sun all day and that much exposure can leave a serious burn, and may eventually lead to cancer.

Side-note : –

If you are worried about bodily harm I would advise staying out of the mosh pit, but that is up to you. Make sure you enjoy the concert, but you should be safe while doing so. So now I’ve covered some of the potential health risks. Now I can’t wait to see Heaven and Hell with Coheed and Cambria.

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Dr. Paul Zickler

About Author

Dr. Paul Zickler

Dr. Paul Zickler graduated from the faculty of medicine at the University of Western Ontario in 1972 and became an Emergency Physician. He practiced as an Emergency Physician for 18 years after which he co-owned and operated several ambulatory medical and travel clinics for 12 years and discovered his interest in prescription medicines. Dr. Zickler was a founding member of the Canadian International Pharmacy Association (CIPA) and was CIPA’s Vice-president for Medical Affairs. He has also served as an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of British Columbia, the Director of Professional Programs for the Justice Institute of British Columbia (paramedic academy) and was the principal investigator for Phase 2 and 3 studies researching vaccines.

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