Fight fungal infections with Noxafil

September 30, 2008 | by DoctorSolve

Noxafil, available online from Canada pharmacy, is an antifungal antibiotic used to prevent serious Candida and Aspergillus fungal infections in patients with compromised immune systems.
Patients who are at risk of developing these infections include those:

  • with advanced HIV disease;
  • who have had stem cell transplants and have a disease called graft versus host disease (GVHD); or
  • who are undergoing chemotherapy for cancer treatment.

What does my doctor need to know before prescribing Noxafil?

Tell your doctor about any allergies (environmental or drug-related), especially if you are allergic to Noxafil. He or she will also need to know if you have a history of Long QT Syndrome; a history of allergic reaction to antibiotics; liver disease; or a heart rhythm disorder. Having one or all of these conditions may prevent you from being able to take Noxafil.
The effects of Noxafil on unborn or nursing babies is still unknown. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant, trying to become pregnant, or breastfeeding before treatment.
Your doctor will also need to know if you are taking certain medications. These include:

  • astemizole (Hismanal);
  • cisapride (Propulsid);
  • halofantrine (Halfan);
  • pimozide (Orap);
  • quinidine (Cardioquin, Quinidex, Quinaglute); or
  • terfenadine (Seldane); or
  • ergot medicine such as methysergide (Sansert), ergotamine (Ergomar, Ergostat, Cafergot, Ercaf, Wigraine), dihydroergotamine (D.H.E. 45, Migranal Nasal Spray), ergonovine (Ergotrate), methylergonovine (Methergine).

How should Noxafil be taken?

Noxafil is available in a liquid suspension which should be taken orally (by mouth). You should take it with food or a liquid nutritional supplement if you can’t eat anything.
Even though your symptoms may get better before the infection is completely treated, taking Noxafil exactly as prescribed by your doctor – for the exact amount of time – is the best way to see results.

Does Noxafil have any side effects?

Severe side effects that require immediate medical attention include:

  • Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue); chest pain or tightness; dark urine; fast or irregular heartbeat; fever, chills, or persistent sore throat; loss of appetite; mouth inflammation; pale stools; severe or persistent headache or dizziness; severe or persistent nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or stomach pain; severe or persistent tiredness or weakness; shortness of breath; swelling of the ankles, feet, or hands; tremor; unusual bruising or bleeding; vaginal bleeding; yellowing of the skin or eyes.

Common side effects that only require medical attention if they persist or worsen include:

  • Anxiety; constipation; coughing; diarrhea; dizziness; headache; muscle, joint, or back pain; nausea; sore throat; stomach pain or upset; tiredness; trouble sleeping.

This information is advisory only. It does not contain all information about this drug. If you have any questions about Noxafil, ask your doctor, pharmacist, or health care provider.
DoctorSolve Healthcare Solutions Inc., a Canadian Internet-based pharmacy intermediary (license #BC X23), offers low cost, long-term prescription drugs. A professionally registered pharmacist fills all Canadian prescriptions. A certified member of the Canadian International Pharmacy Association, DoctorSolve is ranked as one of the best online Canadian pharmacies.
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