Can progesterone help treat menopause?

March 7, 2007 | by DoctorSolve

Progesterone hormone therapy for menopause helps balance the effects of estrogen, as well as helping with hot flushes, endometriosis, and fibroids. Progesterone cream helps with estrogen dominance, but it does not balance synthetic estrogen. It is however, excellent for controlling excessive bleeding, PMS symptoms, hot flushes, and strengthening bones.
Progesterone is given with estrogen because it lowers the risk of uterine cancer. Estrogen on it’s own increases this risk. The exception to this is low dose estrogen hormone replacement therapy.
You can find both natural and synthetic forms of progesterone. The synthetic forms have more side effects, such as weight gain, depression, breast tenderness, fluid retention, migraines, lower sexual desire, as well as increasing the risk of coronary heart vasospasm. According to many doctors, when used in amounts no greater than what the body normally takes, there are no known natural progesterone side effects or no natural progesterone cream side effects.
Taking natural progesterone can help you eliminate premenopause and menopausal symptoms or correct a hormone imbalance or deficiency that you may be experiencing.
Natural progesterone is identically the same hormone as found in the body, but is produced by a scientific process from the extract of the Mexican wild yam. Also, natural progesterone is bio-identical which means that it is the same as the body makes, which makes it more effective and with greater protective benefits.
Without progesterone, women could not have periods every month, and they could not bring new life into the world. One of its functions is to balance the actions of estrogen, a second hormone found in the body. Also, progesterone will not work without at least some estrogen to prime its receptors.
The cream is not as strong as the progesterone used in oral hormone replacement therapy so it should never be used as a substitute. It does not counteract the effect of estrogen on the uterus, whereas progesterone does.
Taking estrogen without progesterone therapy to balance the hormonal cycle could cause over stimulation of the endometrium tissue lining the uterus. This was found to lead to uncontrolled tissue growth, known as hyperplasia, which develops into endometrial cancer. Progestin (but not progesterone cream) can counteract this risk.
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