5 Health Benefits of Laughter

April 5, 2010 | by DoctorSolve

Good for the Heart

Researchers have discovered that blood flow is significantly affected by laughter. 20 healthy subjects were shown a stress-inducing movie, and then a funny laughter-inducing movie. The results? The stressful movie slowed blood flow by 35% and the comedy increased blood flow by almost 22%. Laughter improves the function of blood vessels increases blood flow and lowers high blood pressure, which in turn helps protect your heart against heart attack and other heart problems.

Boosts your mood

Laughing and smiling are natural anti-depressants. They increase the level of happy, health-enhancing hormones like endorphins and neurotransmitters in your brain, and reduce the level of stress hormones like cortisol, epinephrine, adrenaline, and dopamine. Higher levels of endorphins can give you an instant mood boost making you a happy, positive person. If you want to boost your mood, studies show that the positive effects of laughing and smiling happen regardless of whether or not your smile is real. Go ahead, try it for yourself. Throw fake smiles into your day and feel the instant change in your attitude. Soon enough, your smiles will become authentic.

Improves your immune system

Laughter also increases the amount of antibody-producing cells in your body and improves the effectiveness of T-cells. This will also defend against respiratory tract infections. This means that with laughter, you will experience fever physical side effects of stress, and a stronger immune system.

Improves your memory

A study at John Hopkins University Medical School found that providing humor during a lesson leads to an overall increase in test scores for that lesson, therefore humor improves memory. In addition, humor improves your alertness and creativity.

Body workout

A good long laugh exercises the diaphragm and contracts the abdominal and the shoulders. It also challenges your respiratory and facial muscles. This will make you feel more relaxed after a good laugh.

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