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vitamin d

Vitamin D extends and improves life

A few minutes of sunshine a day goes a long way – literally.

Experts have recently revealed that a regular intake of vitamin D has the capability of extending your life expectancy by up to 7%. A lead researcher Dr. Philippe Autier said it is not clear how vitamin D lowers risks of mortality, but he suggested that it may block cancer cell proliferation or improve blood vessel and immune system functions.

In past studies, vitamin D has also been proven to prevent other life-threatening illnesses such as breast cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, and multiple sclerosis. In addition, vitamin D maintains the calcium and phosphorus concentrations in the body, therefore makes stronger healthier bones.

On top of the physical health benefits that vitamin D provides, sunshine has also been proven to increase levels of serotonin (a chemical in the body that acts as a messenger to the brain) therefore instantly increasing and enlightening the mood. Next time you find yourself overcome with negative emotions, try taking a breather outdoors in the sunlight.vitamin D
When the weather doesn’t permit, or if it’s during winter months, try taking vitamin D supplements.

Research has found that the benefits of these supplements can be even greater than that of direct sunlight, as sunlight imposes harmful rays to the skin upon too much exposure – especially to infants. The recommended dose of vitamin D per day for an adult is 1000 international units (IU). Talk to your doctor about taking vitamin D supplements during fall and winter. Vitamin D will improve your immune system and put you in a better mood.

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