Tobradex Eye Ointment (Tobramycin/Dexamethasone)

Tobradex Eye Ointment

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FormulationFormulation: Eye Ointment
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Indication : Tobradex eye drops are used to prevent and reduce inflammation in the eye.  Tobradex eye drops contain an antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections, and a steroid used to treat the swelling associated with bacterial infections in the eye. Storage : Store Tobradex eye drops at room temperature away from moisture or heat.  Remember to keep the bottle properly capped. Product Information : General Information : Precaution : Do not touch the dropper to any surface including your eyes, face, and hands.  The dropper is sterile - if it becomes contaminated it may cause an infection in the eye.  Ask your doctor if it is okay to wear contact lenses while using Tobradex eye drops. After using Tobradex, wait at least 15 minutes before inserting contact lenses.   Before using Tobradex, inform your doctor if you are taking any other medications, especially oral steroid medication. Warnings : Tobradex may cause blurred vision.  Use caution when driving, operating machines, or performing other hazardous tasks while using Tobradex.  If you miss a dose of Tobradex eye drops, apply the missed dose as soon as you remember.  If it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and continue with your regular dosing schedule.  Do not take a double dose of this medication. Patient Family Information  : Use as directed by a doctor.  Consult your pharmacist if you have any questions.  Always wash your hands before applying Tobradex eye drops.  Shake the bottle gently before tilting your head back and slightly pulling down on your lower eyelid.  Position the dropper above the eye and squeeze a drop out.  Close your eye and apply pressure to the inner corner of your eye to stop the fluid from draining out. Contraindication : Do not use Tobradex if you have a viral or fungal infection in your eye.  Do not use Tobradex without first informing your doctor if you are pregnant.  Do not use Tobradex if you are using other eye drops or medications. Sever Side Effects : Many people using this medication do not have serious side effects. Common Side Effects : Serious side effects include eye pain, vision changes, discharge and swelling, rash, severe dizziness, trouble breathing. Other Side Effects : Less serious side effects may include: burning, stinging, irritation, itching, redness, blurred vision, swelling around the eyes, or sensitivity to light. Tobradex Eye Ointment | Tobramycin/Dexamethasone | Tobradex Eye Ointment | Tobradex Eye Ointment
Brand Name:

Tobradex Eye Ointment

Generic name:


Other Names:

Tobradex Eye Ointment

Strength(s): 0.3/0.1%
Quantities Available: 7, 35, 105

Eye Ointment

Important Information
The information above for Tobradex Eye Ointment (Tobramycin/Dexamethasone) was provided to by third parties. In no way should this information substitute for the advice of a physician. Consult a doctor or qualified health care professional if you have any medical concerns. widget logo
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