Unveils Plans to Use for Customer Reviews

June 19, 2024 | by DoctorSolve

SURREY, BC (PRWEB) February 20, 2012 – is Proud to Announce its Implementation of and its Leading Customer Review Solutions. In Partnering with PowerReviews, DoctorSolve Endeavours to Improve the Consumer Experience at their Leading Online Pharmacy by Better Integrating the Needs and Insights of their Loyal Customer Base.

Since 1999, has been a leading Canadian pharmacy that provides safe and affordable drugs to American and international patients. While offering significant savings on brand-name and generic Canadian medications, is committed to enhancing its customers’ experience at its site. As such, they have recently unveiled plans to use to more accurately and thoroughly collect customer reviews and improve relationships with their customers.

Real-world feedback from other patients about the medications available on our site is a powerful tool for our customers. was established in 2007 and is “the world’s largest social commerce network.” They provide customers with an unparalleled opportunity to provide reviews on “more than 35 million products and services across more than 5,500 websites.” Through their partnership with, aims to organize and manage their customers’ insights and recommendations in order to improve sales and website traffic while making a closer connection with their customers. Indeed, will allow to integrate customer reviews with the many discount quality drugs they sell on their site.

According to’s marketing manager, “PowerReviews allows us to more closely track the needs of our customers. Through their comprehensive customer-review solutions, we hope not only to reach a wider customer base but also to provide improved service to our already very loyal customers.” More importantly, “PowerReviews provides our customers with the most meaningful information about the products they seek. Real-world feedback from other patients about the prescriptions available on our site is a powerful tool for our customers. Not only can we improve the products and services we offer at DoctorSolve, but our customers get specific and detailed information about these products from our other clients.”
As a third-party service that integrates with DoctorSolve so that customers can post reviews about the site and products, “ puts the customer in the driver’s seat,” says DoctorSolve’s marketing manager. Structured reviews, social network integration, and superior website optimization gained through their partnership with PowerReviews will give DoctorSolve actionable insights from the customers they hope to serve. Marketing and operations will certainly improve, but so will product development and the services offered.

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Thank you note on a green background with pills and an open bottle, acknowledging vigilance regarding the Stop Online Piracy Act

Unfortunately, due to a power outage some of the features available on Doctorsolve may not be online. We know how important it is to have affordable prescription medication and we’re working as fast as we can to restore our call center, email, and online chat services.