Turn Off the Alarm On Sleep Deprivation With The Facts

April 20, 2012 | by DoctorSolve

It is becoming a known fact that at sometime in your life you will struggle with sleep deprivation. If you go for long periods without adequate sleep you become less productive and experience more stress in your lives. Most of us need at least eight hours of sleep a night. Sleep is vital for our health and well-being. The three areas that affect our sleep are:

  • Pain
  • Psychological stressors
  • Aging


You can get our sleep under control once you have the information on what may be causing the lack of sleep.

Pain is a number one cause of lack of sleep. When pain is a chronic situation that you have to deal with even in waking hours; then it is time to get some medical help for it. Your doctor may even suggest you go to a pain management clinic. You may even have to take a sleeping aid, but will be forewarned that sleeping pills can be addictive. Other medical conditions can affect your sleep such as acid reflux, restless leg syndrome or sleep apnea. Let your doctor know if you suffer from these conditions. They can be treated.

Psychological stress is very common and plays havoc with our minds. Sometimes you can lie in bed all night, dealing with your racing thoughts. You find yourself going over and over a given situation. One way to counter this is to develop a meditation practice that simply observes the thoughts going by like sheep crossing a pasture. Simply observe the thought and letting it go. Meditation can be just as restful as sleep. Depression is also a leading cause for sleep deprivation.

Aging affects your sleep. The older you become the more your hormones change. Menopause can cause sleep issues. Hot flashes can wake you up in the middle of the night; making it difficult to go back to sleep. Men with prostate issues may be up several times in the night, which interferes with sleep patterns.

Some of the things you should avoid if you want a good night of sleep are avoiding alcohol. Taking a drink before going to bed interferes with your sleep. You may fall asleep only to wake up a couple hours later. Exercising should be avoided at least three hours before going to bed so your body is relaxed. Avoid watching television before you go to sleep. Also, avoid going to bed angry. Drinking a cup of chamomile tea before bed can help relax you.

Your bedroom needs to be a sanctuary where your body, mind and spirit can relax. Lighting plays an important factor in a good night’s sleep. Make sure the draperies or blinds on your windows are closed tightly. Even a night light could interfere with sleep. Eliminate any clutter in the room and keep furnishings simple. Don’t take your cell phone to bed. Also, have a good mattress.

Changing your sleeping habits is the key to having a good night’s sleep and pleasant dreams.

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