Healthy Eating Recipes: How To Make Your Recipes Healthier

August 24, 2007 | by DoctorSolve

Healthy Eating Recipes

You’ve probably got hundreds of recipes in your collection but maybe not all of them are as healthy as you’d like them to be. This is likely a shame as there’s a good chance that some of those recipes are amongst your favorites.

How do you go about changing your favorite recipes into ones that are healthy for you? Even those old family favorites that have been passed down through the generations.


1. Reduce the amount of fat, sugar, and salt in your recipes.

You’ll be pleasantly surprised just how much you can reduce the level of fat, sugar, and salt in your recipes without affecting the taste. If you’ve cut back too much, it’s always possible to add a little bit more salt to the table. You can reduce the amount of fat by using a non-stick pan and an oil spray rather than slurping oil into the pan. You can also use a slotted spoon to skim off any excess fat as the recipe cooks. Cutting down on sugar will depend on what you’re cooking, but it’s generally safe to try initially cutting sugar down by a quarter – I doubt you’ll notice the difference.

Salt is necessary for recipes for bread as otherwise, the yeast won’t be able to do its job. In other recipes, such as crock pots and stews, you should easily be able to reduce the salt you use by half with very little effect on the final taste. You may even find that with the imaginative use of sauces, you can eliminate salt from some of your recipes entirely.

Remember that some of the ingredients you use may contain salt, sugar, or fat. Read the labels and substitute as necessary. But don’t just blindly add a low-fat option without checking that the manufacturer hasn’t simply substituted sugar for fat.


2. Make healthy substitutions

As well as examining labels, look for ways to increase the nutrition in the food you eat. Whole wheat pasta, brown rice, whole grain cereals. All of these are easy substitutes and will likely enhance the taste of the dish you are cooking – they have less of the original product removed in the manufacturing process, which leaves more taste available for you.


3. If possible, delete an unhealthy ingredient

Many recipes react well to variations (you may even find alternatives listed at the end of the recipe). Substitute frosted ingredients for un-frosted ones to cut down on sugar, for instance. Be careful with adding nuts to a dish as they are high in fat (although the fat is usually considered “good” fat, so don’t cut them out entirely). Let your family and guests add their own toppings such a mayonnaise and sauces. Consider substituting lower salt, fat, and sugar versions of these sauces. And don’t squeeze that maple syrup quite as hard the next time you eat a stack of pancakes!

Once you start converting your recipes, you’ll become more imaginative and will have a good idea of what is working and what isn’t Keep a notebook handy so that you can remember the successes and adjust the times when the changes you made weren’t as successful as you’d have liked.


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About the Author: Trevor John. Treat your children and family to a batch of specially designed healthy recipes that are easy to make and have all been taste tested.


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