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Mother helps daughter with asthma therapy, wearing a mask for inhalation

Say No to Alternative Methods of Asthma Relief

For the past eight years, the University of Montréal has been taking information from 2,000 families about methods of treating children with asthma. This study shows that 13% of parents use alternative therapies such as dietary supplements, acupuncture, and homeopathy, to help reduce children’s asthma and think that these alternative methods of asthma relief are actually very helpful.

Alternative therapies have been used on children under the age of 6 which has actually resulted in negative effects for the child’s health. The children who used alternative treatments for asthma had a 50% greater chance of having an asthma attack that needed to be treated in the Emergency Room.

To prevent the risk of an asthma attack

It is best to speak to your doctor or find out what may trigger your asthma from occurring; whether it is an allergen or physical activity. Asthma is treated in two ways; long term control and quick relief.

It is best to find both long term control and a quick relief for the moments you need a rescue. Long term medication such as pills, will help reduce inflammation and quick relief will help control symptoms that flare up unexpectedly.

Furthermore, there have been no studies to prove that alternative therapies such as acupuncture, chiropractic medicine, or herbal therapy help reduce asthma symptoms. Before trying any methods to help relieve your child of their asthma symptoms, consult a doctor or pharmacist on information on asthma and what you can do to help your child. Pharmacists at are also available to help if you require asthma medication or if you have any questions about what you can do to treat asthma.

The contents on are meant to provide useful and relevant information. The information on our website is intended for educational purposes and may include text, graphics, video and other multimedia. The information on this website should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult your doctor or other medical practitioner before taking any course of action based on the information you find on

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