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Radiesse – Treatment for Facial Wrinkles

Radiesse is a water based gel carrier, biocompatible and non-allergic dermal filler used for the treatment of facial wrinkles and folds. It works by filling and stimulating the body to produce new collagen for immediate results that last about one year or more. Radiesse comes in injection form with the content of hydroxylapatite.
It works by providing a matrix into which the bodies own tissue can grow and add volume. In this way, it is used for soft tissue augmentation, and can help to fill in deep skin folds and wrinkles. No pre-testing is required.
Radiesse should only be injected by a trained professional. A local anesthestic is administered so you may feel less discomfort at the time of injection. The full procedure should only take up to 15 minutes. You can go home once the treatment is completed.


  • Avoid use of aspirin and other medication during the treatment.
  • Avoid direct sun exposure. Use sunscreen, wear protective clothing, and use hats when you are out.
  • Avoid activities such as strenuous laughing, using a straw, singing, shouting, cheering, chewing gum, eating beef jerky, etc.

Radiessse side effects

Side effects include: redness, swelling, pain, itching, discoloration and tenderness at the injection site, usually 24 to 36 hours after the treatment.
This information is advisory only. It does not contain all information about this medication. If you have any questions about Radiesse, ask your doctor, pharmacist, or health care provider.
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The contents on are meant to provide useful and relevant information. The information on our website is intended for educational purposes and may include text, graphics, video and other multimedia. The information on this website should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult your doctor or other medical practitioner before taking any course of action based on the information you find on

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