3 Top Reasons Patients Don’t Get Basic Medical Care When Sick

May 3, 2021 | by DoctorSolve

The Affordable Care Act is putting in all the efforts possible to make sure that people who otherwise would not be able to pay for health insurance get it at more affordable rates.  However, many of the popular plans involve high co-pays and deductibles, which means that many consider basic medical care to still be quite expensive. Here are the top three reasons why US patients are not getting the help they need when they get sick:  

 1. Costly Health Insurance Plans

Many people put off their basic medical care and medical procedures because they feel that the associated costs are too high. When it comes to health insurance plans, many of them have high deductibles, which means that people still have to pay a significant amount out of their pockets. An example is that of Renee Mitchell, who put off her eye surgery for a long time because she was already in debt and didn’t want to add to her expenses further. Despite being on the silver level Obamacare plan, she would still have to pay a significant amount of money, thereby leading to more debt. 

 2. Unaffordable Out of Pocket Costs

 Despite insurance plans, the out-of-pocket costs that may incur as a result of basic medical care are extremely high, and many people can’t afford to pay those. For this reason, many of the families, who despite being fully covered, go without basic medical care because they are unable to afford it. People in such situations also have the tendency to skip follow-ups with their doctors and will not fill prescriptions. This only adds further to long-term costs and complications. 

3. High Cost of Medications

 The medications cost a lot and many people think that it’s best not to take them at all as opposed to paying high amounts of money for them.  There are certain states, however, such as Texas, Arizona, Florida, and Pennsylvania that have removed deductibles on some of the insurance plans while other states charge minute co-pay. Yet, even these seem a lot for many of the people.  These are legitimate concerns that people are facing, and if nothing will be done about it soon, then the future problems in basic medical care will be even greater. 

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