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Mestinon SR

Prescription Prescription Required
Formulation : ER Tablet
Drug Name Dosage Quantity Price Buy Now
Mestinon SR 180mg 30 $62.00 Add To Cart
Mestinon SR 180mg 90 $145.00 Add To Cart
Mestinon SR
Dosage: 180mg
Quantity: 30
Price: $62.00
Mestinon SR
Dosage: 180mg
Quantity: 90
Price: $145.00

Mestinon SR is a prescription medication that works by affecting the chemicals in the body that are involved in the communication between nerve impulses and muscle movement. This medication is primarily used to treat symptoms of myasthenia gravis.

This medication should be stored at room temperature in an area that is protected from heat and moisture.

Before taking this medication, tell your doctor if you have asthma or kidney disease. This medication may cause harm to an unborn child. Notify your doctor before taking Mestinon SR if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or planning to breastfeed your child.

Follow your doctor’s instructions regarding restrictions of food, beverages, and exercise.

Patient Family Information: This medication should be taken exactly as prescribed. When taking this medication, follow the directions on your prescription label. If you do not understand these directions, contact your healthcare provider for further instruction. Mestinon SR tablets should be swallowed whole and taken according to your treatment schedule, which your doctor will provide for you.

Do not take Mestinon SR tablets if you have peritonitis (a serious stomach condition), or if you have a bladder or bowel obstruction.

Sever Side Effects : Severe Side Effects: extreme muscle weakness; severe vomiting or diarrhea; vision problems; or muscle cramps or twitching.

Common and Less Serious Side Effects: sweating or urinating more than usual; drooling, watery eyes; warmth or tingly feeling; mild nausea, vomiting, or stomach pain; mild itching or skin rash; or muscle or joint pain.

Other: None.

Mestinon SR | Pyridostigmine | Mestinon SR | Mestinon SR


Additional information

Generic name:



ER Tablet



Quantities Available:

30, 90

The information above for Mestinon SR (Pyridostigmine) was provided to by third parties. In no way should this information substitute for the advice of a physician. Consult a doctor or qualified health care professional if you have any medical concerns.