About Orthovisc (Sodium Hyaluronan)

Orthovisc is a prescription medicine that is administered in the form of an injection. Orthovisc is a similar fluid to the naturally occurring synovial fluid within the joints that absorbs shock and acts as a lubricant.

Uses of Orthovisc

Orthovisc is used to treat the pain and inflammation that are associated with osteoarthritis. Orthovisc is generally administered by a healthcare professional in a clinical setting and will not require storage.

Additional information

Generic name:

Sodium Hyaluronan





Quantities Available:

1syr, 3syr

Warning & Dosage


Orthovisc is a prescription medication and should be taken in the exact fashion that is outlined in your prescription. Orthovisc is an injection that should generally be administered by a healthcare professional into the affected joint in a clinical setting. After receiving the injection, follow your doctor’s instructions regarding strenuous activities. If you are allergic to any of the ingredients in Orthovisc, do not use this medication.

Orthovisc should additionally not be used if you have a skin infection at the proposed site of injection. Before taking Orthovisc, talk to your doctor if you are allergic to any bird or bird products, including feathers and egg products, to ensure that you can safely take Orthovisc. If you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breastfeeding, notify your doctor before you begin taking Orthovisc. After taking Orthovisc, avoid any prolonged strenuous activities, especially those that affect the site of injection for the forty-eight hours following the injection.

Side Effects

Side Effects of Orthovisc

Severe Side Effects:

  • Serious allergic reaction

Common Side Effects:

  • Achiness
  • Rash at the injection site
  • Bruise at the injection site
  • The temporary pain in the affected joint
  • Or swelling of the affected joint

The information above for Orthovisc (Sodium Hyaluronan) was provided to DoctorSolve.com by third parties. In no way should this information substitute for the advice of a physician. Consult a doctor or qualified health care professional if you have any medical concerns.